In The News Today,
Claims that Teens Birth Rates Have Hit An All Time Low
...teens — despite their portrayal in popular TV and movies as uninhibited and acting only on hormones — are having less sex.
'There has been a change in social norms that has happened in the past 20 years, and the idea of not having sex or delaying sex is now something that can be okay,' said Bill Albert, chief program officer for the National Campaign To Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. [The Washington Post]
All in all, in the last 23 years teen birth rates have plummeted by 60 percent. In 1991, teen birth rates were 61.9 per 1,000. In 2014, teen pregnancies hit a low of 24.2 births per 1,000. Which I will personally content is a huge difference, Especially when we are talking about hundreds of those 1,000's.
Here at Stilllivin4now, we are not against having little ones by any means. In fact, My wife and I have 5 beautiful children, that mean the world to us.
I could insert the boring facts of how we met, and dated forever before getting married, and starting our family. How we waited till we thought we were ready, planned it all out, and we lived happily ever-after.
We all know that isn't how things go, we did wait until I had what I thought was my dream job, and of course we were waiting until we thought we was ready. Though you're never ready for your first baby. Either way, we thought we was on the right path, before long we had another, then another, see a pattern here... Not long after I had my last child number five (my boy by the way the first four were all girls), there must have been a major planet shift, that included the moon and the stars apparently. Because I lost my dream job.(this was my bread and butter, Kids and life are both very expensive) Everything but bankrupt in no time flat. Of course this is not an option when your a father and a husband. With that said it's time to dig deep and drive on.
Planned or unplanned, Teens or full grown adults, Everyone will have challenges they must overcome along the way.
For what ever reason that teens birth rates have dropped we are grateful, we do hope that it's due to education and responsibility.
From both sides, Male and Female, these young fathers, and fathers to be. Have to stand up and take responsibility for their actions.
Just maybe the reason for the drop is due to the fact that we are growing more responsible, the word gets out more each day. With social media sites like YouTube and Facebook. People deliver the message daily, Just as I am doing right now.
What ever it is, It is working, so we must keep up the hard work. If only this helps one young couple, it was all worth it. I'd type a million of these articles if it meant that one person each time was helped. (just the kinda of guy I am).
Leave us a Comment if you have a topic you would like to see,
Also any feedback is welcome, Questions or statements welcomed!!
Until then, as all ways my friends remember to be stilllivin4now and stay safe.
Thank you for your time.....
Jesse Goodman
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