Bucket list Items you can cross off by stopping in North Carolina.
(photo provided by www.ncanp.com)
The Top five Bucket list items from North Carolina we are sharing today
on Stilllivin4now.blogspot.com are in no particular order. I
don't feel as if one deserves a rank above another. As all of the items
or activities that we are sharing are equally spectacular in their own
What can we cross of our bucket list in North Carolina:
Witness something majestic:
Great smokey mountains at sunrise (photo from allposter.ca)
With sunrises like the one in the photo above, it's no wonder that we picked western North Carolina as one of our five Bucket List Choices.
Views like these are fairly easy to come by while in Western North Carolina. The Blue Ridge Park way offers Many spots to catch a beautiful and Majestic sunrise, Nothing Needed but you and some loved ones to be here in North Carolina on any given morning.
2. Soar through the trees like a bird:
While we are still on the western Side of North Carolina I figured we could stop here and cross off another bucket list item. (Soaring through the trees like a bird). When this was added, I didn't expect to be hooked to a cable. However it works and is one magical experience.
There are several businesses that offer the zip line tours, They are easy to find online and most don't require you to reserve your spot. Though I would if I were planning to be there on a holiday. Once you are there just sign in and get your equipment. Once you are strapped in and ready to zip, You then climb up to you station and zip from there.
The absolute best thing about this is the use of the lay of the land. The zip line companies do their best to make sure you never come out of the trees once you are up in them.
:sky valley zip line tours:
As we move on to our next item on the list, We don't have to travel very far at all. In Fact, all that is needed is to come down out of the trees.
3. White Water Rafting:
Of course this had to be on the Bucket list. It's dangerous and fun, Both of these are attributes that I look for in adding my bucket list items.
I have always wanted to go white water rafting, ever since I was a little guy. I'm sure I am not alone in this one. As a North Carolina Native I was able to cross this one off the list early in life.
Here in North Carolina we have a few Rivers that you can try to tame, And even a man made white water area in Charlotte. On the rivers you can choose to have a guide and tackle those bigger white water rapids or go with out and do some of the smaller rapids. It's totally up to you.
However we are Junkies when it comes to adventure. So we tend to go on the more dangerous routes. While many choose to pay and be safe about their trip. We didn't quite go that route. With two vehicles we parked one at our planned pull out point, Then drove the other many miles up river as we had planned to drift down for the day and camp that night before finishing the trip the next day.
I must say, we have been on many of the paid trips as of now. And don't get me wrong they are great in many ways. But they do not compare to doing all of it your self. As long as you plan it out and inform someone of your plans. (To be safe in case something goes wrong you will have someone looking for you, if your not back in what ever time frame you planned) You can't pay for this kind of adventure, or family time. Plus the freedom you have because your not of anyone's time frame.
4. Win a Race Drive like Dale Earnhardt

Welcome Race Fans to Mooresville NC. This is Race City USA. Home of Nascar.
Traveling a few hours east from our previous location in the western hills of North Carolina, To the central part know as the Piedmont, we are now in the heart lands of racing. You won't have to look very far around these parts to find anything that has to do with racing. From the Nascar Hall of fame to Richard Petty's Racing School. It's here and Not hard to find.
The photo above is from Gopro's Track which is located off motorplex drive in Mooresville. Here for a very affordable price you can rent go-carts which are Very very fast. Some top out at 65-70 miles per hour.. Definitely isn't the fun park your used to. And that is why this place made the list. I picked this over Richard Petty's Dream just for the sheer price and Fun. Yes I wasn't going as fast as Dale Earnhardt, but I did win my race.
Of course if driving isn't your thing, Don't forget you can witness some of the greatest racing on the east coast right here. Plus all the drivers garages and museums in the area. It's a must that you come and visit the area.
This next item isn't on the list, However it deserves a plug in:
While you are here enjoying the Racing life, You should also be enjoying a little bit of family fun time as well. So instead of staying somewhere that is just a room make your stay an adventure, By checking into the Great Wolf Lodge. It's located minutes from the speedway, Basically right across the road from our biggest Mall in the area known as Concord Mills. However once your in the Great Wolf Lodge it is hard to leave. Take that from experience, with its huge indoor water park, movie theater, restaurants and much much more. You just get lost in adventure here.
It's a place you never want to leave once you are inside, They make everything an awesome experience.
All these things and we are just now at number five of the list. It's amazing as there really is way more to list. I choose to list five just to keep the post smaller and maybe keep the interest of a reader, Rather than having a list of twenty items to go through. Just know that with in these few items there are many more things to do, see, smell, taste, and hear.
With that said, Lets keep traveling east until we reach the sand. As my last item on my bucket list for North Carolina to cross off is:
5. To touch a historic light house:
The outer banks and the Light houses entered my list just for the plain fact that they are so rich in history that I had to come and be a part of it.
Just imagine how many ships, Or people on those ships have seen this light on a dark stormy night, or how many ghost stories that have been made up because of the light from this house. I am almost sure there has to be a few that have developed due to this light house and/or its brothers who stand around the coast protecting those who are out at sea from running ashore. Either way, it has secured a spot on my list along with the rest of my top five picks for North Carolina.
Be sure to check us out often as we try to add more and more. If you like please follow and comment. If you didn't like, Please comment.
Thanks as always, And remember to be stilllivin4now and stay safe.
Jesse Goodman aka Uncle Jesse
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