
This is what I choose to call my recipe from back in the day. I know there are many different ways to make apple pie hard cider.. However this one is my personal mixture that has been passed down through our family for generations. There really isn't anything special about the way I make mine, except for we used to use real homemade moonshine. Which would affect the taste and strength depending on what the batch of moonshine was made from. As I grew older living the Criminal life just wasn't as cool as it once was, So of course changes had to be made to ensure that we were legal in what we were doing. Our newest recipe uses a 5th of Ever-clear. Something you can purchase at your local Spirits Store. (Note you can use the moonshine that is legally made, however legally made moonshine tops out at 50% abv or 100 proof, Where as Ever-clear is 180 proof or 90% abv) This makes a big differences when making this recipe. As the 100 proof moonshine just isn't quite enough Abv to do anything once mixed with the rest of the materials.
Easy as Pie
You will need the following items:
- 1 Gallon of apple cider
- 1 Gallon of apple Juice
- 3 large cinnamon sticks
- 1/2 - 1 1/2 cups of sugar
- 5th of ever-clear
You need a very large pot. Something that will hold around 2 1/2 gallons. Grab this along with your apple cider and your apple juice. Bring these to a boil over medium heat. Once you have it to a rapid boil reduce heat to low (only needs to simmer) and add in all 3 of your cinnamon sticks plus 1/2 a cup of sugar. Let this steep for around 15-20 minutes remove from heat and Cool. Once this is below 100 F then add your ever-clear. (note that Alcohol evaporates at 172 F which means if you add your ever-clear to early before solution has cooled it will evaporate into steam which is very dangerous and flammable and not to mention and waste of your money)
Only thing left to do at this point is taste your pie and add sugar to your taste. (we love it with only the 1/2 cup as stated above. However my sister Likes it more a little sweeter. Add as much or as little as you please).
Enjoy this drink warm or chilled. And remember never drink and drive, It's just not worth it.
As always Thanks and don't forget to be stilllivin4now and stay safe.
Jesse Goodman Aka Uncle Jesse
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